Hi Everybody!
This week I’ve been working on the scenery, specifically I’m adding and tweaking some of the variation. This allows me to use the biggest brushes I have in the toolset to get the overall feel of the visuals right. As part of that I’ve synchronized the visuals of the local star to match the data.
Pictured above is a gif of class T, G, and O stars (using the Morgan-Keenan stellar classification system).
Last week I continued modelling the distribution numbers for the Great Trait Rebalance. I discovered a number of “competing solutions” and now I need to just get through them (the math part needs to be plotted out/solved by hand) and determine which one is better.
Hey there!
Last week, I worked some more on getting the new AI system ready for prime time. The underlying architecture is all written out and I have a suite of tests I can run in a simulation environment.
All I need now is to hook it up to the actual characters walking around and we’ll have needs-driven characters. Next week, after I’ve completed integration, I’ll have to look into new pathfinding solutions as what I’ve been using to date just doesn’t cut it anymore.