Tag: game development

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Closing the Game Loop – 9th Dec 2018

Designer's Log -- 06.343.137 This week's blog is about an exciting feature we've been implementing for some time called "AstroFleet" which is about sending ships on adventures to procedural planets and star systems using a Datapad App. The ships are crewed by characters from your Astrobase that you've assigned and...

State of the Studio: 2017 Edition

If you followed our blog circa 2013, you'll remember we used it for many other things besides weekly development updates. We tackled issues about our industry, game design, and running a small game studio. We scaled back on these after a while because they detracted from our progress on Astrobase...

Resourcing the Economic Game and Teasing a Trailer: Astrobase Command Weekly Update

Dave - @Dave_Astrobase Hey guys, This week the resource/section system design and data was wrapped up. This provides for the "economic game" of Astrobase Command, where building and maintenance costs resources which all must be balanced, and also the properties of resources which interact with the module-parts that players put...

Shaders, and Character Trait Evolution

Adam - @adam_blahuta Hey space-friends! This week, I continued work on re-designed characters to include trait evolution! This allows hidden traits to unlock and known traits to change when characters are faced with difficult situations that challenge their beliefs. I still have a bit of work left to do before...

Electrochemically charging your week with another space station power plant

Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi everybody! This week I've been able to work more on the Biochemical Plants, it's great fun to get way out there in designing these visuals! Here you can see the electrochemical plant risen from its shell during operation. Dave - @Dave_Astrobase Hey guys, This week I...

Astrobase Command Progress Report – Weekly Dev Update – November 27th, 2015

You, fine members of the Astrobase Command community, have asked for a bit of big picture visibility on our progress since we’ve started and a better sense of where we are heading. It's hard to believe that it's already been almost 2 years since we launched the Kickstarter for Astrobase...
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