Tag: game design

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AI Personalities: Adam Recounts His Journey Down The Rabbit Hole

Adam - @adam_blahuta Hey fellow space junkies! The creative journey of game development is very strange. If your goal is to engage players with novel experiences, design innovation is a powerful tool. The inherent challenge is that it's difficult to understand a problem in a vacuum. You have to try...

Combustion Plants: Powering Your Way To a Cozier Space Station

Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi everybody! This week I've finally gotten back to properly work on more sections or rooms. Specifically I'm working on the Biochemical Plants (power generators, not flowers and such this time). It's very nice to be able to work on something less interconnected than GUI for a...

Weekly Dev Update – September 30th, 2016

Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi Everybody! This week I've finished up the work on the doors (last week I forgot to add blast doors, whoops) as well as doing some preliminary work on a side project that might turn out great, I'll tell you more when it's further along. Oh! I...
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