Adam - @adam_blahuta Hey everybody! With the recent addition of a new programmer, work on save files has picked back up nicely. On top of my responsibilities keeping him unblocked and well-fed with tasks, I've done a bunch of project management work to keep programming clear on its objectives and...
Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi Everybody! This week I continued to work on expressing the crew personalities as well as making another pass over all the lights on the station. Dave - @Dave_Astrobase Hey guys, As part of the ongoing story design, I had the pleasure of digging into Viruses, Heat/Oxygen,...
Hi everyone, sorry for the delay on this post. Here's last week's (better late than never!) Dave - @Dave_Astrobase Hey guys! This week been on the GUI task whereby players can detect the various outcomes that can occur as a result of resource interaction gameplay. For example, when the player...
Dave - @Dave_Astrobase ABC is almost design-complete! Working on the last remaining design task, which is finalizing the trait names and definitions. Then Adam just adds some code and we have a game! :) Adam - @adam_blahuta This past week, I've been focused on wrapping up the base-wide resource simulation....
Adam - @adam_blahuta Hey fellow space junkies! The creative journey of game development is very strange. If your goal is to engage players with novel experiences, design innovation is a powerful tool. The inherent challenge is that it's difficult to understand a problem in a vacuum. You have to try...
Hi everybody, We're going to keep this week's update very short because we've been driving hard to tackle a key milestone, and have been focusing our efforts on production. We've just wrapped up a meeting where Dave exposed his latest (and hopefully final, Stars Willing!) systems design in its glorious...
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