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Got Management? – Astrobase Command Dev Update – 16 April 2018

Adam - @adam_blahuta Hey everybody! With the recent addition of a new programmer, work on save files has picked back up nicely. On top of my responsibilities keeping him unblocked and well-fed with tasks, I've done a bunch of project management work to keep programming clear on its objectives and...

News From Command: The Astrobase Team Grows — Weekly Dev Update, April 9th 2018

Hey everybody! I had to wait until things were official, but I can finally share some great news! As many of you know, for most of its lifetime Jellyfish Games has been entirely self-funded through contract work. Since programming contracts are usually the easiest to find and most lucrative, I’ve...

Jellyfish Games’ Spacebunny Dispatch – 30 March 2018

Hello everybody! We want to take a moment to wish all of you a Happy Spacebunny Day! It only happens once a year, so enjoy. Before parting ways this week, we'd like to remind you of our Patreon. You can add continued support to our efforts to make Astrobase Command,...

Marching onward: Astrobase Command Weekly Dev Update – March 26th, 2018

Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi Everybody! This week I continued to work on expressing the crew personalities as well as making another pass over all the lights on the station. Dave - @Dave_Astrobase Hey guys, As part of the ongoing story design, I had the pleasure of digging into Viruses, Heat/Oxygen,...

Improved Conversation Visuals and UI Audio: Astrobase Command Weekly Dev Update – March 16th, 2018

Hi everyone, We're working on some bigger pieces that don't fit nicely the weekly development cycle. As a result, we're not putting out a build this week. There's good stuff coming! Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi Everybody! This week I've worked on improving the touch and feel of finding and accessing...

Astrobase Command Weekly Gamedev Update: Improving the Wow Factor – March 9, 2018

Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi everybody! This week I've been working on various smaller tasks. Improving the visuals a bit here and a bit there. Some of the things I did this week are already in the latest build, for example the new color scheme (and minor layout changes) of the...
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