This week we started shifting gears. While Adam is busy taking on the large programming chunks associated to features like save game, the rest of the team has begun focussing on longer-term considerations. This will allow us to keep our beleaguered programmer busy all the time (no rest for the coded)!
Some other big news for those who have missed the screen shots we started slipping in earlier in the week, Asteroid Shooter, a small arcade game playable on the datapad is now available to everyone with alpha build access. You can now pass time blasting asteroids while you wait for your next supply shipment or reactor explosion, whichever comes first. There’s now a data cartridge in the cartridge rack on your desk that contains the game.

Asteroid Shooter serves as a proof of concept for the future. We’ve always intended the data pad as a platform for additional functionality within Astrobase Command. Games happen to be one of the coolest aspect that we wanted to add. We will be releasing more in the future. Some of these games will be available to all, while others will only be available to our Patreon backers.
Which incidentally brings up another announcement: we have a Patreon. If you like what you seen of our work so far, and want to support indie developers in a new way, then please take a moment to check the page out. We’re working on special Patreon rewards to thank our Patrons. Stay tuned for more!
Daniel – @Polygonatron
Hi Everybody!
This week I’ve been doing a little bit of everything to make sure everyone else can do their things. Oh and I also tried my hand at pixel art for the first time ever. For, uh, no particular reason. I should go now, bye!
Dave – @Dave_Astrobase
Hey guys,
This week I worked some business & marketing, as well as found a repro case for a “brain freeze” bug that had been biting my backside when playing for some time!
Max – @Max_Shields
Greetings Internetlings,
I spent most of my week putting together the Astrobase Command Steam store page (such wow. much legit!). It is now a proudly festooned Coming Soon page. Now don’t get all carried away on me. We’re still in closed alpha, so there’s more work to be done before we open the doors on the alpha. Steam offers the ability to identify a project as Coming Soon to allow games to get a little extra visibility, and we’ve positioned ourselves to that effect.
Adam – @adam_blahuta
Hey everybody!
This week, I continued work on save files and started the construction job. As you can imagine, these kept me pretty busy. However, I did find the occasional spare moment when Liam refused to fall asleep to get some small fixes and improvements out of the way. Given that he’s now a month old, his supervision should inspire confidence in the renewed robustness of the game