The Command Wants You: Astrobase Command Road to Kickstarter Update

A crew member diligently stands watch over the Mission Control terminal.

With less than two weeks to go before the launch of the Astrobase Command Kickstarter, all four of us are furiously toiling away to get everything into place for the big day.

Adam has continued producing the tools we need to make the trailer. Dave has proudly announced that he is design complete. He is now polishing it until it gleams. Daniel has channeled his inner Francis Coppola and is making a Kickstarter trailer. Max is working on the mandatory talking heads video and building the Kickstarter page.

Adam had the privilege of running a quick demo of the game to one of our community members and occasional contributor, Ethan. Such external sanity checks are invaluable for assuring that we aren’t getting carried away by drinking our own Kool-Aid. We’re glad to say that it went quite well.

As we mentioned last week, we need to start getting the word out about the April 25th Kickstarter launch. Generating awareness for a small project such as ours is incredibly challenging. Whereas our larger AAA counterparts generate a tidal wave of media attention every time they hiccup, indies can have a marching band accompanied by fireworks and a parade and still not be heard.

The cargo bay is fully loaded…for now.

We need your help, champions.

Get out there and don’t be shy about getting onto other forums, reddits, Books of Faces, Tweeterspaces, and whatever else you can think of. We’re old and boring, so we probably don’t know all of the wonderful ways to get in touch with people on the interwebs today. Of course, be polite, and don’t be spammy. Your opinions and enthusiasm as supporters will speak far more loudly than ours as developers.

Someone has already commented on the BaseBuildingGames subreddit, so feel free to drop in there and join in the conversation.

Carl ponders whether the sensor table would make for a great carrier landing.

We’ll also be looking for a few of you to run the trailer by as test audiences so we’re sure we’ve gotten things right before posting it. If you’re interested in giving us your opinion about the trailer, sign up in this forum section. We won’t be able to take everyone because of the limited time at our disposal, but we’ll be grateful for your offers.

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