Hey everybody! Being mindful of the game’s performance at release, we’re gathering hardware information from the community. We’d love it if you could take a moment to fill out Daniel’s Graphics Card Survey!
Thanks for the help!
Daniel – @Polygonatron
Hi everybody!
This week I’ve been busy with everyones favorite: Paperwork! YAY!
Dave – @Dave_Astrobase
Hey everybody!
This week I’ve been focused on the business end of things, which isn’t fun but super necessary when you’re your own studio!
Adam – @adam_blahuta
Hey Space-Friends!
As you can see from Dave and Daniel’s updates, we’ve been swamped dealing with outstanding business obligations. Even though I also had to take care of a bunch of supremely uninteresting stuff, I also took the time to knock out some more annoying bugs and easy improvements to keep this weekly build train going!