Tag: game design

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Closing the Game Loop – 9th Dec 2018

Designer's Log -- 06.343.137 This week's blog is about an exciting feature we've been implementing for some time called "AstroFleet" which is about sending ships on adventures to procedural planets and star systems using a Datapad App. The ships are crewed by characters from your Astrobase that you've assigned and...

Procedural Story Content in Development – Astrobase Command Dev Update – 27 Feb 2018

Dave - @Dave_Astrobase Hey guys! Very exciting times on the design side of things! The core systems of Astrobase Command were always intended to be a stable foundation for procedural story content based on the personalities of characters, and playing out in a very naturalistic and unscripted way. This is...

Tightening up the systems on level 3: Astrobase Command Dev Update – 20 March 2017

Adam - @adam_blahuta Hey space friends! This week, I continued work on and relevant to sleep AI. I implemented the consumption of Body points from walking and its regeneration during sleep, exhaustion conditions and their effects, as well as all the relevant UI in the crew info panel to make...

Deep Sleep Simulation: Sophisticated AI Design – Astrobase Command Indiedev Update, March 10th 2017

Adam - @adam_blahuta Hey space friends! This week I continued implementing character AI, this time focused on sleep behaviors! As in real life, sleep is one of the most important factors in regeneration from daily activities and stressors. As such, the design around sleep is fairly sophisticated. If you like...

Astrobase Command Dev Update – March 4th 2017

Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi everybody! This week I got to continue doing creative work. It's always great to get a chance to do some fun work since due to the nature of games and indie game development much time can end up going to addressing technical concerns and business stuff....

Conversation Engine: Astrobase Command Has The Best Words

Hey everybody, we felt bad about not giving you a little bit more Astrobaseyness before the end of the year. So here's a special dispatch from our secret dev lair under a glacier in the frozen North. Dave - @Dave_Astrobase This week the task has been designing the release-final conversation...
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