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Exploding GUIs: Astrobase Command Dev Update – 14 July 2017

Hi everyone, sorry for the delay on this post. Here's last week's (better late than never!) Dave - @Dave_Astrobase Hey guys! This week been on the GUI task whereby players can detect the various outcomes that can occur as a result of resource interaction gameplay. For example, when the player...

Whizzing along: Astrobase Command Dev Update – 23 Jun 2017

Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi Everybody! This week I've been working primarily on company stuff. Not necessarily the most fun stuff to work on, but it needs to get done. And besides, at the end of the week I got the chance to make the art resources for pee and poop....

Astrobase Command Dev Update – March 4th 2017

Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi everybody! This week I got to continue doing creative work. It's always great to get a chance to do some fun work since due to the nature of games and indie game development much time can end up going to addressing technical concerns and business stuff....

AI Brain Surgery: The Urinary Tracks – Astrobase Gamedev Update – 24 February 2017

Adam - @adam_blahuta Hey Space Friends! This week, I finally got started with my latest round of brain surgery! I was able to integrate a new decision making approach and started implementing the actual behaviors. Currently, all the characters can do is wander around and pee themselves, but it's a...

Shaders, and Character Trait Evolution

Adam - @adam_blahuta Hey space-friends! This week, I continued work on re-designed characters to include trait evolution! This allows hidden traits to unlock and known traits to change when characters are faced with difficult situations that challenge their beliefs. I still have a bit of work left to do before...
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