Category: Production Update

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Turkey Day Update!

We've been quiet for the past two weeks, but still very busy. We've had a momentous event as well, with a second tiny addition to the team in a few months. It's Canadian Thanksgiving, so happy Canuck Turkey Day, eh? Given Adam's critical use of time taking care of his family, we haven't...

Pray for our Programmer: Save System in The Works – Astrobase Command Weekly Update, 22 Sept 2017

Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi Everybody! This week I've got to spend time adding neat stuff into ABC again! Yay! What the alpha players out there might have already noticed was an update to the animations used during conversations between crew. They are not perfect by any means but they are...

Closed Alpha, One Week Later – Astrobase Command Weekly Update, 8 Sept 2017

We're starting off with an important, if not obvious survey. Your responses will help us tweak some settings, as you'll see below. Loading poll... So here we are , a week after we let Astrobase out in the wild. We're really excited by your reception. It's given us a big...

We Want to Know: Do You Even Platform, Bro?

This week we come to you with another poll (turnip!) We'd like to know which platform(s) you like to get your games from so we know where to prioritize investing our time for release.   Loading poll... Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi Everybody! This week I've mostly been playtesting, polishing, and...

Tickled About Tachyons: Astrobase Command Weekly Dev Update – 21 August 2017

Daniel - @Polygonatron Hi Everybody! This week I've been working on particle effects to help communicate when the player has inappropriately stored reactants. As there were a few reactants this pretty much covered my entire week. The question I guess becomes; do the effects look good enough for players to...

Exploding Resources: Astrobase Command Weekly Update – 11 Aug 2017

Adam - @adam_blahuta Hey everybody! We're now few weeks into putting out weekly builds for our Immediate Access folks and we're getting the hang of things. Along with getting the last of the feature work for the alpha out of the way, we do Bug Fix Fridays where we focus...
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